"Engaging stakeholders in developing working conditions.
Summary report on action research and policy lessons"
на следния интернет aдрес:You could read the report "Engaging stakeholders in developing working conditions
Summary report on action research and policy lessons" at the following address:
Authors: Johan E. Ravn, Peter Hasle, Ursula Holtgrewe, Vassil Kirov, Ekaterina Markova, Jan Van Peteghem, Darina Peycheva, Monique Ramioul, Karin Sardadvar, Ole H. Sørensen, Hans Torvatn, Lisbeth Øyum
This report constitutes Deliverable 9.15, ‘Summary report on action research and policy lessons’ for Workpackage 9 of the walqing project, SSH-CT-2009-244597.
Project acronym: WALQING
Project full title: Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs
Grant agreement no.: SSH-CT-2009-244597
Deliverable number: Deliverable 9.15
Deliverable title: Summary report on action research and policy lessons
Workpackage No.: 9
Lead beneficiary: 9 (SINTEF)
Nature: Report
Dissemination level: Public
Date of Submission: 30 November 2012
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